Those are the coldest winds which are said to blow from
the seven stars, and Corus, which is contiguous to them;
these also restrain the others and dispel the clouds. The
moist winds are Africus, and, still more, the Auster of Italy.
It is said that, in Pontus, Cæcias attracts the clouds. The
dry winds are Corus and Vulturnus, especially when they
are about to cease blowing. The winds that bring snow are
Aquilo and Septemtrio; Septemtrio brings hail, and so does
Corus; Auster is sultry, Vulturnus and Zephyrus are warm.
These winds are more dry than Subsolanus, and generally
those which blow from the north and west are more dry than
those which blow from the south and east. Aquilo is the
most healthy of them all; Auster is unhealthy, and more so
when dry; it is colder, perhaps because it is moist. Animals
are supposed to have less appetite for food when this wind is
blowing. The Etesiæ generally cease during the night, and
spring up at the third hour of the day[2]. In Spain and in
Asia these winds have an easterly direction, in Pontus a
northerly, and in other places a southerly direction. They
blow also after the winter solstice, when they are called
Ornithiæ[3], but they are more gentle and continue only for a
few days. There are two winds which change their nature
with their situation; in Africa Auster is attended with a
clear sky, while Aquilo collects the clouds[4]. Almost all
winds blow in their turn, so that when one ceases its opposite
springs up. When winds which are contiguous succeed
each other, they go from left to right, in the direction of the
sun. The fourth day of the moon generally determines their
direction for the whole of the monthly period[5]. We are able
to sail in opposite directions by means of the same wind, if
we have the sails properly set; hence it frequently happens
that, in the night, vessels going in different directions run
against each other. Auster produces higher winds than
Aquilo, because the former blows, as it were, from the bottom of the
sea, while the latter blows on the surface; it is
therefore after south winds that the most mischievous earthquakes
have occurred. Auster is more violent during the
night, Aquilo during the day; winds from the east continue
longer than from the west. The north winds generally cease
blowing on the odd days, and we observe the prevalence of
the odd numbers in many other parts of nature; the male
winds are therefore regulated by the odd numbers[6]. The
sun sometimes increases and sometimes restrains winds;
when rising and setting it increases them; while, when on
the meridian, it restrains them during the summer. They
are, therefore, generally lulled during the middle of the day
and of the night, because they are abated either by excessive
cold or heat; winds are also lulled by showers. We generally expect
them to come from that quarter where the clouds
open and allow the clear sky to be seen. Eudoxus[7] supposes that the
same succession of changes occurs in them
after a period of four years, if we observe their minute revolutions;
and this applies not only to winds, but to whatever concerns the
state of the weather. He begins his lustrum at the rising of the
dog-star, in the intercalary year. So far concerning winds in general.
1. The greatest part of the remarks on the nature of the winds, in this
chapter, would appear to be taken from Aristotle's Treatise De Meteor.,
and it may be stated generally, that our author has formed his opinions
more upon those of the Greek writers than upon actual observation.
2. A.M.
3. In the last chapter Ornithias is said to be a west wind.
4. This obviously depends upon the geographical situation of the
northern parts of Africa, to which the observation more particularly
with respect to the central part of the Continent and the Mediterranean.
See the remarks of Alexandre, in Lemaire, i. 340.
5. The influence of the fourth day of the moon is referred to by Virgil,
Geor. i. 432 et seq. "Sin ortu quarto," &c.
6. This refers to the genders of the names of the winds, analogous to
the remark in note5, p. 71.
7. Eudoxus was a native of Cnidus, distinguished for his knowledge in
astrology and science generally; he was a pupil of Plato, and is referred
to by many of the ancients; see Hardouin's Index Auctorum, in Lemaire,
i. 187, and Enfield's Hist. of Phil. i. 412, with the very copious list of